Japanese Language Education Seminar with UNSW (Sep 2021)
オーストラリアで日本語を使う子どもを育てる ― 豪州全国調査の結果より
Raising Japanese Language Speakers: Results from The National Study of Learners of Japanese as Community Language in Australia
オーストラリアで日本語を使う子どもを育てる ― 豪州全国調査の結果より
This seminar will be conducted in Japanese.
For our sixth Japanese education seminar with UNSW exploring the theme of raising Japanese-speaking children in Australia, we have invited Prof. Chihiro Kinoshita Thomson (UNSW) as our guest lecturer.
The seminar consists of two parts:
Part 1: Results from the study
Part 2: A discussion on the learning of Japanese characters, or kanji, a key theme emerging from the study
第二部:調査から見られた課題 その(1)漢字学習を考える
Message from the presenter
The Australian Network for Japanese as Community Language, of which I am an active member, conducts the National Study of Learners of Japanese as Community Language in Australia, a study on the Japanese language learning environments and learning resources available to children in Australia with connections to Japan. In this seminar, we will first give a brief report on the results of the national study. Participants will then be invited to discuss issues related to the learning of Japanese characters, or kanji, a key theme that emerged from the results of this study.
Prof. Chihiro Kinoshita Thomson
Professor, UNSW
Chihiro Kinoshita Thomson is an internationally recognised educator and researcher of the Japanese language as well as a mother. She has served as President of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia (2009-2011) and the Chair of the Board of the Global Network of Japanese Language Education (2007–2009 and 2012–2016). Chihiro joined UNSW in 1993 where she teaches Japanese language and supervises postgraduate students in applied linguistics, pedagogy, and second language acquisition. Her research involves Australian learners of Japanese, including those with Japanese heritage, their characteristics, their language acquisition processes, their learning environments, as well as how we can best support their learning. She has received a number of awards including, a Japanese Foreign Minister’s Commendation (2016) and the Society for Teachers of Japanese as a Foreign Language award (2019). Chihiro has been President of Australian Network for Japanese as Community Language since 2020.
トムソン木下 千尋(とむそんきのした ちひろ)博士
ニューサウスウェールズ大学 教授
Registration is FREE but essential.
Registrations open: August 23, 2021 (Monday) at 9am AEST.
Registration deadline: September 15, 2021 (Wednesday) at 3pm AEST.
Seminar date: September 25, 2021 (Saturday), 4-6pm AEST (check your time zone here).
Seminar Zoom link will be sent to your registered email on September 24, 2021 (Friday) at 4pm AEST (the day before the seminar date).
If you have not received this email by then, please contact us immediately.
登録受付開始:2021年8月23日(月)午前9時 東部オーストラリア 標準時間
登録受付締切:2021年9月15日(水)午後3時 東部オーストラリア標準時間
セミナー日時:2021年9月25日(土)午後4〜6時 東部オーストラリア標準時間(各地の時刻はこちら)
Please register your details in English.
Registrations for this seminar have now closed. こちらの登録受付は終了いたしました。
If you are unable to attend the seminar but wish to view the VOD, please register your details below.
Video on demand (VOD) will be released following the seminar. Those who wish to view the VOD rather than participate in the live seminar can register here. A link to view the VOD will be sent to you via email once released.
Please register your details in English.
Registrations are now closed.
September 25, 2021 (Saturday)
4pm-6pm AEST
*Online conference room opens at 3:30pm AEST.
This event will be held online via Zoom (web conference system).
Free: Registrations essential
August 23, 2021 (Monday) at 9am AEST
September 15, 2021 (Wednesday) at 3pm AEST
(02) 8239 0055
Past Seminars
VOD (Video on Demand) for the previous seminars are available.
1st Seminar (held on October 24, 2020)
Raising Japanese Language Speakers
Prof Chihiro Kinoshita Thomson
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia
2nd Seminar (held on December 4, 2020)
Children Crossing Borders (CCB) in Australia
Prof Ikuo Kawakami
The Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics
Waseda University, Japan
3rd Seminar (held on February 27, 2021)
The Language Of Children With Connections To Japan Living In Australia
Ms Sei Miwa
Department of Japanese Studies
The University of Tübingen, Germany
4th Seminar (held on April 17, 2021)
Read Aloud To Nurture Children’s Own Language Development: From Reading A Book TO Children To Reading WITH Children
Prof Masako Douglas, Professor Emerita
Japanese Program, Department of Asian and Asian American Studies
California State University, Long Beach, USA
5th Seminar (held on July 10, 2021)
Supporting Children’s Self-Development: Contemplating The Future Language Of Japanese-Heritage Children
Prof Kazuko Miyake, Professor Emerita
Toyo University, Japan
過去のセミナーが VOD(ビデオオンデマンド)にてご視聴頂けます。
トムソン木下 千尋(とむそんきのした ちひろ)教授
川上 郁雄(かわかみ いくお)教授
三輪 聖(みわ せい)専任講師
ダグラス 昌子(だぐらす まさこ)名誉教授
三宅 和子(みやけ かずこ)名誉教授