VOD Registration: Japanese Language Education Seminar with UNSW (Jul 2021)
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Title: Supporting Children’s Self-Development: Contemplating The Future Language Of Japanese-Heritage Children
Presenter: Prof. Kazuko Miyake
Professor Emerita, Toyo University
Held on July 10, 2021
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講師:三宅 和子(みやけ かずこ)
東洋大学文学部 名誉教授
【Message from the presenter】
How children develop and what adults can do to support them are greatly influenced by society, the surrounding environment and the times they live in. Many parents of Japanese-heritage children find themselves under pressure to raise their children as ‘competent and proper’ Japanese speakers. However, a child’s Japanese learning journey may begin in the home but their relationship with the language will continue to evolve over the course of his/her life. In this seminar, we will take a look at some case studies of Japanese-heritage people who were raised in mixed-nationality households, examining their experiences and relationship with the Japanese language, both from the children’s and parents’ perspectives. We will follow their language learning journey, especially looking at how their attitudes towards and relationship with Japanese evolved in their adulthood. Based on these case studies, we will discuss the possible roles parents and teachers can play in supporting children’s Japanese learning.
【Session Language】
This seminar was conducted in Japanese.
Please complete only in English. 英語のみでご記入下さい。
Prof. Kazuko Miyake
Professor Emerita, Toyo University
Prof. Kazuko Miyake taught sociolinguistics, Japanese language education, and Japanese language studies at Toyo University from 1993, retiring in 2021. Her interest in the relationship between language and society and the particularities of the Japanese language first began while teaching Japanese in the UK in the 1980s. Her research on transnational families draws closely on insights from her own experience of living and raising a family across borders: first living as a foreigner in the UK, then as a foreigner’s wife in Japan, raising children of mixed heritage, and having a different first language from her children who eventually found homes in different countries. She continues to investigate the dynamic relationship between language and identity and what this means for people around the world who are living their lives across borders.
三宅 和子(みやけ かずこ) 博士
東洋大学文学部 名誉教授
1993年より東洋大学で社会言語学、日本語教育、日本語学を教え2021年に退職しました。1980年代にイギリスで日本語を教え始め、ことばと社会の関係や日本語教育・日本語の面白さに目覚めました。私の体験-イギリスで外国人として生きたこと、日本で外国人の妻として生きたこと・ハーフの子どもを育てたこと、子どもと第一言語が違うようになったこと、子どもが異なる国に住むようになったこと等々-は私の研究の骨格を形作り、世界中にいる「移動する人びと」へのまなざしに繋がり、日本語を話すこととアイデンティティについて現在まで調査・考察を続けています。ひと・ことばフォーラム主催、社会言語科学会理事など。主な編著書:『日本語の対人関係把握と配慮言語行動』(ひつじ書房)『メディアとことば』(1,2,4巻 ひつじ書房)、『移動とことば』(くろしお出版)、『モビリティとことばをめぐる挑戦-社会言語学の新たな「移動」』(近刊)など。
This seminar has already occurred.
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