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Webliography Japan

Annotated guide of Japan-related web resources.
These web resources introduced in this site are basically free to use or may require a free user registration unless noted in the details page.


“Tokyo Notice Board” is a free English weekly magazine that covers columns and living information for people living in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

リサリサ [in Japanese only]

A search engine for various survey results conducted by both private and public sectors.

Tadoku links for teachers and libraries

Collection of links to useful information pages for teachers and libraries who want to organise Tadoku activities.


Trove is a discovery system that searches books and other resources held in Australian libraries. If you don’t find a specific title of a book, CD, DVD etc. at your local or university library, Trove can help locate holding libraries in Australia.

Supreme Court of Japan | Judgments of the Supreme Court

Judicial precedents of the Supreme Court are translated into English and the search menu is available under the website of the Supreme Court of Japan.

裁判所 | 裁判例情報 [in Japanese only]

This is a portal site of Japanese courts, and a search menu to find a legal precedent is available within the site. The search result of each court case includes links to the full text of the judicial precedent and its relevant supporting documents in PDF.


JSTOR is a digital archive of over 1,000 academic journals, books and selected conference proceedings. Access is provided to the complete scanned image of the item in a PDF file.

学会名鑑 [in Japanese only]

This directory contains profiles of over 2,000 academic societies in Japan. On top of free word search, the directory can be searched by disciplines and names of societies

NAATI Homepage – online directory

This directory covers contact details of NAATI accredited translators and interpreters, their skills, preferred subjects in their jobs and locations.

Japan National Tourism Organization Web Site

JNTO website contains comprehensive tourist information in multiple languages. The site contains not only guide pages of popular destinations, but traveling tips, columns and links to various booking sites that offer their menu pages in English.

JFDB : Japanese Film Database = 日本映画データベース

JFDB contains details of Japanese films in both English and Japanese, is a reliable secondary information site for films lovers and people working in the film industry. The database covers Japanese films released since 2002 and each record contains the technical data of the film, staff, cast, synopsis, official website URL and contact details of the primary distributor in Japan.

Japanese Classroom Resource Page

This website is a collection of ready-for-use classroom activity ideas which are suitable for year K-12 school education. This website also archives old activity resources created by The Japan Foundation, Sydney, and were previously distributed in hard copy.

Minna no Kyozai = みんなの教材サイト

Minna no Kyozai website contains plenty of useful resources for Japanese-language teachers. Users can download classroom-ready materials or versatile stock illustrations to edit their own teaching materials.

AIR_J : Online Database of Artist-in-Residence Programs in Japan

AIR_J is an online directory of Artist-in-Residence programs in Japan. It provides FAQs, online articles and book reviews on Artist-in-Residence programs as well as links to other grant-making organizations for supporting arts & culture activities.

Japanese Law Translation = 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

This full text database contains Japanese laws and regulations in the original Japanese text and their unofficial English translation. The database provides three search menus to cater for different purposes.

Asian Law Online

Asian Law Online is a bibliographic database to help students, scholars and practitioners of Asian legal systems find English language materials on Asian laws.

Portal Site of Official Statistics of Japan = 政府統計の総合窓口

e-Stat is a portal site for Japanese Government Statistics, and aimed at delivering statistical information compiled by various Ministries and Government Agencies of Japan.

ERIC – Education Resources Information Center

ERIC is a bibliographic database of journal articles and non-journal materials that are directly related to the field of education. The articles covered in ERIC are written in English or the English translation of the full-text, and the majority of them are peer-reviewed articles.

CiNii Articles : 日本の論文をさがす

This database incorporates approximately 17 million bibliographic records on journal articles published in academic society journals, university research bulletins or articles included in the National Diet Library’s Japanese Periodicals Index Database. Approximately 4 million records of the 17 million have a link to the online full-text document.

Japan Chronicle

This full-text database covers the English-language newspaper Japan Chronicle Weekly (1902–1940) and its predecessor Kobe Chronicle Weekly (1900-1901). Articles are presented in images although still searchable by words.

Japanese Literature in Translation Search

This database covers bibliographic data of Japanese literary works translated into other languages, mostly after World War II. This database is compiled in collaboration with The Japan Foundation and the Japan P.E.N. Club,

Directory of Japanese Arts & Culture in Australia

This directory database introduces individual artists and organisations practising traditional or contemporary Japanese art form, and also critics in the area of Japanese arts.

Search engine for institutions offering Japanese-language education

Search engine for institutions offering Japanese-language education JPF > Webliography Japan Search engine for institutions offering Japanese-language education This directory database consists of an updated version of the data gathered in the “Survey on Japanese-Language Education Abroad = 日本語教育機関調査” conducted by the Japan Foundation in fiscal 2012. This directory is constantly updated. <Disclaimer> The Japan Foundation…

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