Sakura Network
The JF Nihongo Nihongo Network or Sakura Network, an initiative started by The Japan Foundation in 2008, is a growing worldwide network of organisations committed to Japanese language education.
Sakura Network members play a significant role in terms of enhancing Japanese language education regionally or nationally. The Japan Foundation works collaboratively with Sakura Network members by offering various programs aimed at increasing the reach and quality of Japanese language education.
In Australia the Sakura Network members are:
ACT Japanese Teachers’ Network
Hyogo Prefectural Government Cultural Centre
Japanese Language Teachers’ Association of South Australia
Japanese Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria
Japanese Language Teachers’ Association of Western Australia
Japanese Studies Association of Australia, JSAA
Japanese Teachers’ Association of NSW Inc.
Japanese Teachers’ Network Tasmania
Language Teachers’ Association of the NT
Monash Japanese Language Education Centre
Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Queensland Japanese Network
Nihongo Tanken Centre
Support for Sakura Network members
Enquiries from Sakura Network members should be directed to
Enquiries from Sakura Network members should be directed to