Minna no Kyozai = みんなの教材サイト
Minna no Kyozai website contains plenty of useful resources for Japanese-language teachers. Users can download classroom-ready materials or versatile stock illustrations to edit their own teaching materials. The website consists of the following sections:
- My Page shows you a what’s new listing, your profile and personalized resource organization menu.
- Forum shows you a list of downloadable files contributed by users of the website. The files include ready-to-use classroom activity ideas and the handouts, also resource files (clip art, photographs, reading texts, audio and video) to edit your own teaching materials.
- Resources contains similar content as Forum, but created by the Japan Foundation.
- Teacher’s Navigator explains basic computing skills for editing resource files available from this website, and also shows links to other similar teaching materials websites.
This website requires a free user registration to access the contents above.
(last updated: 13th December 2017)