Conditions of Entry
- Be school students studying Japanese in Australia (Y3 – 12).
- Create own artwork inspired by one of the artworks in the “Art Speaks Japanese” resource kit.
- Include some Japanese language in the artwork entered.
There are 3 divisions to enter
Each division has 3 categories
1. Individual
Created by an individual student (or can be by two students).
2. School Display
- Displayed in a public area of school or at a school event.
- Can be a number of different shaped artworks displayed together.
- Don’t have to be matched artworks.
- One artwork made by a group of students collaboratively.
3. Classroom Display
- Displayed inside of the classroom.
- Exactly matching artworks.
Prize-winners from each category will receive a prize such as an Intext Book Company Gift Voucher, etc.
Individual Category
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
School Display Category
School Display Prize
Classroom Display Category
Classroom Display Prize
The artworks will be judged by a panel of judges from The Japan Foundation, Sydney and Art Gallery NSW.
- Prize-winners will be announced on this website
in October 2017with Judges’ comments.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, results will be announced at the end of November. Apologies for the delay.
- Competition results will also appear in J-Teacher, The Japan Foundation, Sydney’s newsletter for teachers.
- All entries will be viewable in the online gallery within this website.
How to label your files
Please use:
- Full school name (please do not abbreviate)
- First name of student. In cases where there are multiple students with the same first name from the one school, please use the format: first name + initial of student’s surname (e.g. John Smith → JohnS).
- Official abbreviations for state names for Australian schools (e.g. NSW, SA).
Please label JPEG files using the naming format below. Change only the coloured text for each corresponding entry.
<Primary Division>
Individuals → IND_Pri_STATE_FULL school name_First name of student
School Display → SCH_Pri_STATE_FULL school name_Group name
Classroom Display → CLA_ Pri_STATE_FULL school name_Class name
<Junior Secondary Division>
Individuals → IND_Juni_STATE_FULL school name_First name of student
School Display → SCH_Juni_STATE_FULL school name_Group name
Classroom Display → CLA_ Juni_STATE_FULL school name_Class name
<Senior Secondary Division>
Individuals → IND_Seni_STATE_FULL school name_First name of student
School Display → SCH_Seni_STATE_FULL school name_Group name
Classroom Display → CLA_ Seni_STATE_FULL school name_Class name
Entry Deadline: August 30, 2017
Results Announced: October, 2017
Due to unforeseen circumstances, results will be announced at the end of November. Apologies for the delay.
Related Links
Japanese Language Department
(02) 8239 0055