VOD Registration: International Conference of the Network for Translingual Japanese (Sep 2023)
VOD Registration: International Conference of the Network for Translingual Japanese (Sep 2023) VOD登録:国際繋生語ネットワーク(Sep 2023)
VOD Registration: International Conference of the Network for Translingual Japanese (Sep 2023) VOD登録:国際繋生語ネットワーク(Sep 2023)
Celebrating Kenji: An Evening of Poetry, Prose and Music
VOD Registration: Japanese Language Education Seminar with UNSW (Sep 2023) VOD登録:子どものことばの教育を改めて考える
VOD Registration: Japanese Language Education Seminar with UNSW (Jun 2023) 韓国における日本と繋がる子どもたちの状況と課題
Kids Tadoku こども多読
Charaben Workshops
Book Launch & RoundTable: The Urbanism of Metabolism: Visions, Scenarios and Models for the Mutant City of Tomorrow
Japanese Language Education Seminar with UNSW (Jun 2023) 韓国における日本と繋がる子どもたちの状況と課題