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Nihongo Talk & Tea

Free talk sessions for Japanese learners

Nihongo Talk & Tea is a casual social event for Japanese language learners who want to take their conversation skills out of the classroom and into real life situations. Paired with other learners at a similar Japanese level, participants will get the opportunity to chat in Japanese with native Japanese speakers on topics of their interest in a relaxed environment. Drinks and snacks will also be available for the in-person events.

This free event is offered only to J-Course students and Members of The Japan Foundation, Sydney

– J-Course students will be contacted directly by email with booking instructions.
– If you would like to join this event but are not a current J-Course student, please sign up using the “book now (for JPF Members)” tab.

Talk & Tea Event dates for 2024:

June 21 (In person) Finished
September 6 (Online) Finished
November 29 (In person)
March 14, 2025 (Online)

All Talk and Tea events are held on Friday, 6:00pm~7:40pm.

Please note that events may be cancelled or rescheduled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Volunteer / ボランティア

If you are a Japanese native speaker, or know someone who is, and would like to volunteer at Nihongo Talk & Tea, more information is available here.

This form is for JPF Members who would like to join our Talk and Tea events.

※ If you are a current J-Course student, the student-specific application link will become available to you via the Canvas Student Hub each term as the event draws closer. Please note that any applications by J-Course students received through the website portal will have lower priority than both non-student members and students applying through the correct form and may not be offered a spot dependent on availability. ※

J-Course : Talk & Tea JPF Member Application 2024

*Please note that this event is open to paid members of The Japan Foundation, Sydney only.
If you are currently not a member but would like to register, please visit our membership page here.

In the case that the event is run online, you would need:
  • headphones with a microphone,
  • a web camera (please participate with your camera turned on), and
  • a stable internet connection, with at least a 1.2Mbps download speed and 600kbps upload speed. You can test your internet speed here.
Please confirm your email address.
The free library borrower card is not the JPF membership. To become a member, please click here
Which Talk and Tea event dates are you interested in attending? *
Time for all dates : 6:00pm~7:40pm
Depending on the session, Talk & Tea will be offered either online or in-person. Please indicate which of the following statements applies best to you.
We would like to make sure we place you with similar level speakers, so please indicate how long you have studied Japanese, where you have studied, what resources you have used etc.
Photo Release Permission
Privacy Policy *

国際交流基金シドニー日本文化センター(The Japan Foundation, Sydney)の日本語講座では、成人学習者を対象としたフリートークセッションを開催いたします。

このイベントに参加してくださる日本語母語話者(Japanese Native Speaker)ボランティアを募集しています。



日時 2024年6月21日 (対面)終了
2024年9月6日   (オンライン)終了
2025年3月14日     (オンライン)
*開催はいずれも金曜日 18:00~19:40(シドニー時間)となります。
定員 ボランティア 14名 *要予約
日本語学習者 30名
参加費 無料
実施形態 対面またはオンライン(変更になる可能性がございます)
  • 本イベントは日本語学習者に日本語母語話者と日本語で話す機会を提供するもので、英語と日本語のエクスチェンジではありません。
  • 学習者からのドネーションにより、お菓子とお飲み物をご用意しております。(対面での開催時のみ)
  • 交通費の支給はございませんので、予めご了承ください。
  • 不測の事態により、日程や開催方法の変更またはキャンセルになる場合がございます、予めご了承ください。
J-Course : Talk&Tea 日本語ボランティア 2024
  • マイク付きヘッドセット
  • ウェブカメラ(イベント開催中はカメラをONにしてご参加ください)
  • 以下の環境のインターネット接続
    最低 1.2Mbps ダウンロードスピード , 600kbps アップロードスピード
Please confirm your email address.
(If applicable)
参加日をお選びください。時間帯は18時~19時40分(シドニー時間)です。 *
(If applicable)
参加資格: 満18歳以上の日本語母語話者(Japanese Native Speaker) *
Privacy Policy *

Presented by


2024 Dates

June 21 (In person) Finished
September 6 (Online) Finished
November 29 (In person)
March 14, 2025 (Online)
(All Fridays)

Doors open at 5:50pm

Events may be cancelled or rescheduled due to unforeseen circumstances.

The Japan Foundation, Sydney
Level 4, Central Park
28 Broadway, Chippendale NSW 2008


Exclusive to JPF Sydney Members; you can sign up for Membership to join the event.

Free; bookings essential (first-come; first-served).
A gold coin donation towards snacks and drinks is welcome.

  • J-Course students will receive notification directly in their inbox with booking instructions.
  • Applications for future sessions open approx. one month prior to the event.


(02) 8239 0055

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