Tile Painting Workshops for Kids
Tile Painting Workshops for Kids
Let the Carps Grow: Origami Koinobori
Let the Carps Grow: Origami Koinobori
Jurasic Plastic Documentary Premiere
Jurassic Plastic Documentary Premiere
Female Authors Shine: Japanese Literature from 2000 to Today
Female Authors Shine: Japanese Literature from 2000 to Today
New Humans, New Novels: Japanese Literature of the 1980s and 1990s
New Humans, New Novels: Japanese Literature of the 1980s and 1990s
Online PD for Japanese Language Teachers (Mar 2021)
Online PD for Japanese Language Teachers (Mar 2021)
Steam Dreams Catalogue Launch
Catalogue Launch & Talk Event
Abe, Mishima & Oe: Solving Your Existential Crises Since 1960
Abe, Mishima & Oe: Solving Your Existential Crises Since 1960