Language Training for Specialists
Application deadline: December 3, 2018
This program is designed to provide specialists (researchers, postgraduate students, librarians, museum curators, etc.) who need a good command of the Japanese language to conduct fieldwork and research through an intensive residential training course on the Japanese language.
Related Links
- Japan Foundation Grants (Top)
- Japanese Language Grants
- General Language Program
- Teaching Methods Program
- Training on a Specific Theme
- Language Training for Specialists
Who is eligible for this grant?
People of the following professions can apply for this grant, librarians, curators, post graduate students, scholars and researchers.
I am not fluent in Japanese. Am I eligible for this program?
Yes. To be successful you only have to have the equivalent proficiency of Level 3 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test at the time of your application.
Other Japanese Language grants
Other grants offered by The Japan Foundation
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