B2 Level 1 Course
This course aims to prepare students to:
- Scan quickly through long and complex texts, locating relevant details.
- Express their ideas and opinions with precision, and present and respond to complex lines of argument convincingly.
- Write clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to their field of interest while synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources.
- Summarise a wide range of factual and imaginative texts, commenting on and discussing contrasting points of view and the main themes
- Understand documentaries and the majority of films in standard dialect.
In this course, we will explore topics relating to contemporary Japanese society and culture by using raw resources such as news clips and documentaries, newspaper articles, and online websites. Expanding our vocabulary across a range of fields and using grammar correctly, we’ll improve our Japanese in order to communicate our thoughts and ideas more effectively. We also aim to learn when to adapt our speaking styles and utilise keigo, depending on the person and the context.
As class will be held every other week, in-class time will be focused on speaking practice. On weeks without class, there will be small tasks focused on input.
Study Topics in Natsu Term 2025 (planned):
- Resolving Shopping Issues
- Walking the World’s Natural Heritage Sites
[Reference] Topics studied in 2023-2024
- Resolving Shopping Issues (Shopping)
- Walking the World’s Natural Heritage Sites (Nature and the environment)
- Festivals and Cultural Inheritance (Eating habits x Language and culture)
- Worlds Born from Languages (Human relations x Society)
- The History of Japanese Food (Language and culture x Travel and transport)
- Japan’s Future (Free time and entertainment)
- Festivals and Cultural Inheritance (Eating habits x Language and culture)
- Worlds Born from Languages (Human relations x Society)
2025 Natsu Term の学習トピック(予定)
- ショッピングのトラブル解決
- 世界自然遺産を歩く
[参考] 2023-2024に学習したトピック
- ショッピングのトラブル解決(買い物)
- 世界自然遺産を歩く(自然と環境)
- 祭りと文化の継承(言語と文化 ⅹ 旅行と交通)
- ことばが生む世界(自由時間と娯楽)
- 和食の歴史(食生活×言語と文化)
- 日本のミライ(社会×人との関係)
- 祭りと文化の継承(言語と文化 ⅹ 旅行と交通)
- ことばが生む世界(自由時間と娯楽)
B2 Level 1 Natsu Term Course Details
Course fee
*Please note – The B2 Courses use original course materials that will be provided online. The fee for the course materials is included in the course fee.
Evening class
Mondays | 5 Lessons + additional final task session
(January 20, February 3, February 17, March 3, March 17, and March 24, 2025)
Class Format
Class Size
Min: 7 Max: 20 Participants
*Please note – In the event that the minimum enrolment requirement of 7 people is not met, the class may be cancelled.
Keiko Nishiyama
If you are contacting us for the first time and are interested in joining the B2 Level Course, please email the J-Course administration team directly and include details about your Japanese language level and experience. Please note that you will be required to take a level check test.
Online classes will be held via Zoom video conferencing. You can join a test meeting at https://zoom.us/test.
- a computer or laptop (operating systems: Windows 10 or 8.1 / Mac OS X 10.10 or later),
- the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari,
- headphones with a microphone,
- a web camera, and
- a stable internet connection, with at least a 1.2Mbps download speed and 600kbps upload speed. You can test your internet speed here.
B2 Level 1 Course Terms and Conditions
Table of Contents
- Enrolment requirements
- Course Structure
- Course Materials
- Fees
- Payment
- Cancellations and refunds
- Other
Additional Terms and Conditions
1. Enrolment requirements
1.1 Students must be aged 18 and over.
1.2 J-Course is a service offered to paid members of The Japan Foundation, Sydney. (Membership is an annual $25 fee and is separate to the tuition fee in section 4.) Applicants to J-Course must be current members at the time of enrolment.
1.3 The Japan Foundation, Sydney reserves the right to cancel the enrolment of students who do not hold current membership, including in cases where membership has expired.
1.4 Students must be able to participate in classes online.
1.5 Student participation is limited to one (1) course per term.
2. Course Structure
2.1 The B2 Courses are held over a period of ten weeks, with classes held once per fortnight for a period of two (2) hours.
2.1 Applications and payments are processed each term.
2.1 The B2 Courses are not held on designated New South Wales public holidays. In the event classes fall on such public holidays, these classes will be moved to the Friday of the same week.
3. Course Materials
3.1 The copyright of all course materials remains the exclusive property of The Japan Foundation, Sydney. Students may not reproduce or distribute any part of the course materials to any other persons or organisations without permission.
4. Fees
4.1 The tuition fee is $150 per term but is subject to change during the year.
5. Payment
5.1 A student’s enrolment in the course is confirmed once full payment and online application have been received.
5.2 Incremental course payments will not be accepted.
5.3 Students enrolling after term has started will be charged tuition fees only for the remaining classes that term, calculated from the date they submit their application.
5.4 The previous does not apply in cases of delayed enrolment by the student, wherein J-Course reserves a mandatory three (3) business day administration period to process enrolments. Students will not be allowed to join classes until this administration period has passed, and no refund will be offered for classes missed as a result.
5.5 Course fees cannot be transferred to another term or another student. All prices are listed in Australian Dollars and include GST.
6. Cancellations and refunds
6.1 The course may be cancelled if enrolments do not reach the minimum number. In the event that the course is cancelled for this reason, students already enrolled in the course will be notified prior to the scheduled commencement date and any course fees that have been paid will be refunded.
6.2 Enrolments submitted after the class has reached maximum capacity may be cancelled. In this case, any course fees that have been paid will be refunded.
6.3 In cases where class is cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control, students will be offered a substitute class or a full refund for that week, to be determined by The Japan Foundation, Sydney.
6.4 Students may cancel their enrolment up to five (5) business days before the first class of the term for the enrolled course. Students are required to notify J-Course via email in order to cancel their enrolment. Course fees will be refunded minus a cancellation fee of $50.
6.5 Students who wish to cancel their enrolment after the above cancellation deadline due to circumstances beyond their control are eligible to receive a refund equal to 50% of any remaining course fees. Students are required to notify J-Course via email in order to cancel their enrolment. The amount refundable is calculated from the date that J-Course receives notification of the student’s cancellation request via email. Cancellations received by 5pm on regular business days will be lodged the same day. Any cancellations received after 5pm or on weekends or holidays will be lodged the next business day.
6.6 Individual class refunds are not available.
7. Other
7.1 The Japan Foundation, Sydney reserves the right to change teachers and classrooms during term. Students will be informed of any such changes in advance via email.
7.2 The Japan Foundation, Sydney, has a zero-tolerance policy regarding disruptive or aggressive behaviour from students, staff, and visitors. The enrolment of any student may be cancelled for these reasons at the discretion of J-Course administration at any time. Cancelled enrolments will be refunded in accordance with the refund policies outlined in section 6.
7.3 J-Course can be contacted via email at jcourse_sy@jpf.go.jp or by phone at 02 8239 0055.
Additional Terms and Conditions for Online Classes
As classes are held online, the below will apply in addition to the standard Terms and Conditions.
a. The technical prerequisites for online classes are as follows:
- A computer or laptop (operating systems: Windows 10 or 8.1 / Mac OS X 10.10 or later)
- The latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari
- Headphones with a microphone
- A web camera
- A stable internet connection, with at least a 1.2Mbps download speed and 600kbps upload speed
b. The student is responsible for ensuring that the above requirements are met. Students who cause significant disruptions to class delivery due to insufficient technical prerequisites may be asked to rectify these deficiencies or change attendance to in person instruction if space is available. In the event that reasonable measures are not taken by the student to meet technical requirements, a student’s enrolment may be cancelled. Cancelled enrolments will be refunded in accordance with the policies outlined in section 4.
c. Classes cannot be recorded in any way, including audio only, without the express written permission of The Japan Foundation, Sydney.
d. The student is required to participate with their web camera on during online instruction.
d. The Japan Foundation, Sydney reserves the right to change the mode of class delivery at its discretion.
Related Links
- Email: jcourse_sy@jpf.go.jp
- Phone: (02) 8239 0055
Photo credit: Brett Boardman