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Publications by Local Scholars

This page introduces monographs and edited books produced by, or featuring the work of, Japan scholars with ties to universities in Australia. Each publication shown here has also been featured in our #jstudies newsletter.

Book cover of "Scripting Japan" by Wes RobertsonPublished earlier this year in the Routledge Studies in Sociolinguistics series, Scripting Japan by Dr Wesley Robertson (Macquarie University) makes the case for the role of orthography in producing meaning, as demonstrated by the opening line of the book’s synopsis: “Imagine this book was written in Comic Sans“.

Cover of "Gothic Afterlives" bookPublished late last year by Rowman & Littlefield, Gothic Afterlives includes a chapter by Dr Emerald King (LaTrobe University) titled ‘Tangled Hair and Broken Bodies: Remaking Women and Technology in Japanese Gothic Horror Tradition from The Tale of Genji to Ringu’.

Released by Routledge in 2020, Japan in Australia: Culture, Context and Connection is edited by David Chapman (University of Queensland) and Carol Hayes (Australian National University), and is the fruit of a conference of held at The University of Queensland in 2016, supported by The Japan Foundation.

queerqueen book cover

Published by Oxford University Press, queerqueen: Linguistic Excess in Japanese Media is a monograph by Associate Professor Claire Maree of The University of Melbourne’s Asia Institute which explores how gender and sexuality are produced, commodified and constrained in Japan’s mainstream media.

Released by Cambridge University Press, Professor Emerita Tessa Morris-Suzuki‘s Japan’s Living Politics: Grassroots Action and the Crises of Democracy explores case studies in small-scale ‘informal life politics’ in Japan from 1910 to present day.

Released by Rowman & Littlefield, Japan’s Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century: Continuity and Change is co-edited by Purnendra Jain (University of Adelaide) and features contributions from local scholars Aurelia George Mulgan and Nikolay Murashkin.

Paradox and Representation: Silenced Voices and the Narratives of Nakagami Kenji (Cornell University Press) is a literature studies monograph by Machiko Ishikawa, formerly of The University of Tasmania, which builds on a Japan Foundation fellowship project.

Released by Bloomsbury, Language Acquisition and the Multi-lingual Ideal: Exploring Japanese Language Learning Motivation by Toshiyuki Nakamura (Australian National University) explores the role of self-image in Japanese language learning.

Released by Routledge, New Frontiers in Japanese Studies is co-edited by Professor Akihiro Ogawa (University of Melbourne). The book is the result of a conference of the same name held in 2018, supported by a Japanese Studies Projects grant from the Japan Foundation.

Released by ANU Press, Re-Imagining Japan After Fukushima is a monograph by Tamaki Mihic (University of Sydney) which explores literary and cultural responses to Japan’s 3.11 disaster. The electronic edition of the book is open access and downloadable by chapter.

Research Handbook on Asian Financial Law looks at the financial law approaches, legal systems and trends throughout Asia. Published by Edward Elgar, it includes a co-authored chapter by Stacey Steele (Asian Law Centre, The University of Melbourne).

The Routledge Companion to Gender and Japanese Culture is co-edited by Lucy Fraser (University of Queensland), and features chapters by local scholars including David Chapman, Laura Clark, Emma Dalton and Sally McLaren.

Japan Beyond the Kimono by Jenny Hall (Monash University) uses sensory ethnography and interviews with artisans, designers and retailers to explore how Japan’s traditional clothing industry is adapting to modern life. Out via Bloomsbury.

Released by Bloomsbury, Spirits and Animism in Contemporary Japan explores possible cultural meanings of ghosts and the supernatural in Japanese society today. Includes a chapter by Rebecca Suter (University of Sydney).

Published in the Routledge Modern History of Asia series, Hagi: A Feudal Capital in Tokugawa Japan is an urban and social history monograph by architecture scholar Peter Armstrong (University of Sydney).

Released this month by Routledge, Japan in Australia: Culture, Context and Connection is edited by David Chapman and Carol Hayes. It follows a conference of the same name which was held at The University of Queensland and supported by the Japan Foundation.

Gwyn McClelland‘s Dangerous Memory in Nagasaki: Prayers, Protests and Catholic Survivor Narratives analyses the oral histories of nine Catholic Japanese who survived the atomic bombing of Nagasaki to understand how these individuals experienced, and continue to remember, this traumatic event.

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Main image: Adapted from an image by Chris Barbalis via Unsplash (Source).

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