Workshop for Japanese Language Education in Christchurch, NZ
Workshop for Japanese Language Education in Christchurch, NZ
Nov 17, 2019
Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity!
The Japan Foundation, Sydney is hosting workshops in Christchurch on 17 November, 2019 for Japanese language teachers and anyone interested in pursuing a career in Japanese language education.
Our morning workshop is aimed at anyone interested in or considering a future career in teaching Japanese. In the afternoon, we will be running a workshop targeted at Japanese language teachers.
Primary and secondary school teachers as well as teachers in higher education are welcome to join!
This is not only an opportunity to build on your skills as a Japanese teacher, but also a chance for you to expand your professional network.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Workshop for Japanese Language Education
How to teach Japanese as a foreign language (Introductory level)
- Date: November 17, 2019 (Sunday)
- Time: 10:10am ₋ 12:10pm(2 hours)※Registration opens 10:00am
- Target: Those interested in or considering a future career in teaching Japanese
- Capacity: 30 people ※Registration essential
- Venue:Upper Riccarton Library Learning Centre (71 Main South Rd, Sockburn, Christchurch)
- Workshop language: Japanese
In this workshop, we will focus on “Japanese as a foreign language”, discussing its characteristics and how it differs from teaching Japanese as a native language. Together, we will also review things to be aware of when considering teaching Japanese, and what kinds of teaching methods exist. Let’s look at Japanese from a different perspective!
Workshop for Japanese Language Teachers
- Date: November 17, 2019 (Sunday)
- Time: 1:20pm ₋ 4:20pm(3 hours)※Registration opens 12:50pm
- Target: Japanese language teachers (Inc. teaching privately and those in teacher training courses)
※ Participants from the morning workshop are also welcome to join - Capacity: 20 people ※Registration essential
- Venue: Hillmorton High School, Tankerville Rd, Hoon Hay, Christchurch 8025
- Workshop language: This workshop will be delivered in simple Japanese
- Session1: Japanese for Communication – A Marugoto Approach (60min)
In this workshop you will learn about lessons that can be used to increase learners’ competence in accomplishing tasks and competence in intercultural understanding, using the Japan Foundation language resource “Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture” as a model. Lessons that focus on speaking by simulating real communication can help cultivate speaking abilities in learners. You will examine how this compares with widely used methods which focus on grammar, while together we think about ways to foster independent learners.
- Session 2: Developing Intercultural Understanding Through Japanese Proverbs (Kotowaza) (60min)
「七転び八起き」(nanakorobi yaoki), 「急がば回れ」(isogaba maware), 「笑う門には福来る」(waraukadoniwa fukukitaru), These are examples of well-known proverbs in Japan. Every country has proverbs unique to its language and culture. What are some proverbs that you often use? Proverbs can contain teachings and accumulated wisdom passed down from ancient times. In this session, we will identify how Japanese proverbs can deepen one’s understanding of Japanese people’s lifestyle and values, and help foster intercultural understanding. Participants will also draw comparisons to one’s own language and culture. We will also think about examples of classroom activities that encourage students to think deeply about Japan and their own country and language.
- Session 3: What’s new in Japan? (60min)
In this workshop, participants will learn about some of the latest trends in Japan and discuss how they can be incorporated into classroom activities.
Learning a language is the key to understanding the culture behind it. In the New Zealand Curriculum, it is mentioned that “Languages are inseparably linked to the social and cultural contexts in which they are used. Languages and cultures play a key role in developing our personal, group, national, and human identities.” Many commercials being broadcasted in Japan reflect aspects of Japanese culture. In this workshop, we examine how commercials can be used as teaching resources, and how various concepts can be explored. It will be delivered in simple Japanese.
Mami Saito
Senior Language Consultant
The Japan Foundation, Sydney
Mami Saito has been a Senior Language Consultant in the Japanese Language Department at the Japan Foundation, Sydney since June 2017 and has extensive experience teaching Japanese and conducting teacher training/ICT programs in Indonesia, Japan and Canada. Her teaching experience covers a wide range of levels from language schools to high schools and universities. In addition to her role as a Senior Language Consultant, she is also involved in Japanese language education support across Australia.
Workshop (AM)
November 17, 2019 (Sunday)
10:10am – 12:10pm
Workshop (PM)
November 17, 2019 (Sunday)
1:20am – 4:20pm
Free; Registrations essential
Upper Riccarton Library Learning Centre
71 Main South Rd, Sockburn, Christchurch 8042
Hillmorton High School
Tankerville Rd, Hoon Hay, Christchurch 8025
Free; Registrations essential
(02) 8239 0055
Presented by