VOD Registration: Japanese Language Education Seminar with UNSW (May 2022)
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Title: Where are the former Keishogo kids now?
Australian Network for Japanese as Community Language (ANJCL)
<Held on May 14, 2022>
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【Message from Australian Network for Japanese as Community Language】
For children growing up with Keishogo, there are various ways they relate to Japanese language. Some speak Japanese a lot at home, whereas some do not. Some go to community language school, and some prefer playing sports instead. Some kids love anime, whereas some have grown weary of Japanese language. For this seminar, we have invited young adults, or experienced Sempai, to share their experience, as well as their thoughts about their current and future life. This will lead us to consider the situation of children who are now growing with Keishogo.
【Session Language】
This seminar was conducted in Japanese.
Please complete only in English. 英語のみでご記入下さい。
Australian Network for Japanese as Community Language (ANJCL)
ANJCL has been conducting surveys in Australia since 2019 on the Japanese language learning environment for speakers of Japanese as Community Language, with support from The Japan Foundation Sydney. ANJLC consists of 8 branches, one in in every state/territory. The Network aims to increase and improve support given to KEISHOGO-speaking children in Australia, as well as connect with parents and teachers who watch over children’s development.
This seminar has already occurred.
VOD (Video on Demand)
Registrations are required to access the VOD. After registering, an automated email containing the VOD link and login password will be sent to your registered email address.
(02) 8239 0055
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