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Japanese Language Education Seminar with UNSW (Sep 2023)



Rethinking children’s language education



First half (Lecture):
Rethinking children’s language education: exploring the possibilities of hybrid identity formation
Second half (Workshop):
Let’s share our ‘concerns’ in our quest for ‘joyful parenting’!


The seminar will be held FACE-TO-FACE at University of NSW as a part of JSAA-ICNT2023 , and will be conducted in Japanese.

※本セミナーは豪州日本研究学会研究大会/国際繋生語大会の一部としてNSW大学にて対面、日本語で行われます 。

For our sixteenth Japanese education seminar with UNSW, exploring the theme of raising Japanese-speaking children in Australia, Gunei Sato, Executive Director of The Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Urawa (Emeritus Professor ,Tokyo Gakugei University), will give a lecture and conduct a workshop at Biennial Conference of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia/ International Conference of the Network for Translingual Japanese (JSAA-ICNTJ 2023).

ニューサウスウェールズ大学と共催のもと「オーストラリアで日本語を使う子どもを育てる」というテーマでセミナーを行っています。第16回の今回は豪州日本研究学会研究大会 /国際繋生語大会(JSAA-ICNTJ 2023)にて、国際交流基金日本語国際センター佐藤郡衛所長、東京学芸大学名誉教授が講演・ワークショップが行われます。

【Message from the presenter】

The first half of the seminar is a lecture titled “Reconsidering children’s language education”. The talk will be divided into the following key sections: (1) observation from research and practice in intercultural education, (2) rethinking children and language, (3) perspectives on language learning, and (4) how to proceed with practice. Let’s think together about language education to help children form a hybrid identity.

The second half of the seminar consists of a workshop titled “Let’s share our ‘concerns’ in aiming for ‘enjoyable parenting’!” I believe that ‘enjoyment’ is not something to be pursued, but something that comes about through interacting with children, family and peers. It is not something that exists outside of ourselves, but relates to what we are and the way we live our lives. The problems of parenting are endless, but we invite you to share your problems and think about parenting together.

This workshop will focus on several themes around language in a group work setting. Group members will be asked to talk to each other and discuss key issues. It is important that you participate in the discussion. You will be asked to come up with “concerns” and issues that arose from the discussion and think about how to deal with them.





【Heritage Language Information】

  • JPF Sydney “Japanese as Community Language” (including past seminars VOD) HERE
  • Website of  “Australian Network for Japanese as Community Language”  HERE
  • Access the Facebook group “オーストラリアで日本語を使う子どもを育てる” HERE
  • See JPF Sydney Library’s heritage-language educational book collection HERE


  • 国際交流基金シドニー日本文化センター「Japanese as Community Language」(過去実施済みセミナーVODを含む)はこちら
  • 「豪州繋生語研究会」ウェブサイトはこちら
  • Facebook グループ「オーストラリアで日本語を使う子どもを育てる」はこちら
  • 国際交流基金シドニー日本文化センター図書館の継承語関連蔵書はこちら

Gunei Sato
Executive Director of The Japan Foundation, Japanese-Language Institute、Urawa
Emeritus Professor at Tokyo Gakugei University 

During the 26 years I served as a professor at the Center for Education of Children Overseas of Tokyo Gakugei University, I conducted extensive research specializing in the education of Japanese children living abroad and children with foreign backgrounds in Japan. Initially, my research focused on understanding the educational experiences of Japanese children living abroad. However, my interest expanded to include children with diverse backgrounds residing within Japan. Throughout my career, I have dedicated myself to developing the JSL (Japanese as a Second Language) curriculum, drawing inspiration from language education policies and practices implemented in Australia. Since then, I have actively contributed to policymaking and the implementation of educational policies to promote inclusivity and provide support systems for these children. Since April 2020, I have served as the Executive Director of the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Institute. Some of my recent works include “Tabunka-Shakai ni ikiru kodomo no kyouiku(Education for Children in a Multicultural Society)” (2019: Akashi ) and ” Kaigai de Manabu kodomo no kyouiku(Education of Children Studying Abroad)” (co-authored  2020: Akashi Shoten).


佐藤 郡衛 (さとう ぐんえい)
国際交流基金 日本語国際センター 所長
東京学芸大学 名誉教授


Please register your details in English ONLY.


Register from HERE


September 3, 2023 (Sunday)
11am-1pm AEST


Free: Registrations essential


August 13, 2023 (Sunday) 


(02) 8239 0055

Co-presented  by

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