Japanese Language Education Seminar with UNSW (Oct 2022)
パネル・ディスカッション – 繋生語の子どもたちのオーストラリア人保護者の考えを聞く
Roundtable discussion by Australian parents of children of Japanese background: Thoughts of Parents whose native language is not Japanese
パネル・ディスカッション – 繋生語の子どもたちのオーストラリア人保護者の考えを聞く
The seminar will be conducted primarily in English.
For our eleventh Japanese education seminar with UNSW, exploring the theme of raising Japanese-speaking children in Australia, we will hold a panel discussion with four Australian parents who are raising children with Japanese as community language.
What is KEISHOGO (繋生語)?
Keishogo is defined as the language that is born from connections with parents, family, and friends, and that creates further connections, generates new meanings, and passes these connections on to the next generation.
【Message from Australian Network for Japanese as Community Language (ANJCL)】
In our Keishogo community, a large number of children are growing up in families with a Japanese parent and an Australian parent. Many of these Australian parents are multilingual and are often proficient in Japanese. These parents often participate in family conversations using Japanese, which contributes to their children’s development of Japanese as community language.
Our interview studies revealed that parents’ contribution doesn’t stop with language use. Their support includes being positive about trips to Japan, taking their children to Saturday Schools and being a source of encouragement for their children’s learning.
For this seminar, we have invited four such parents to share their experiences around raising their children, as well as their current and future aspirations. This will lead us to consider the roles of Australian parents in our Keishogo community.
【豪州繋生語研究会 (ANJCL) からのメッセージ】
Australian Network for Japanese as Community Language (ANJCL)
ANJCL has been conducting surveys in Australia since 2019 on the Japanese language learning environment for speakers of Japanese as Community Language, with support from The Japan Foundation Sydney. ANJLC consists of 8 branches, one in in every state/territory. The Network aims to increase and improve support given to KEISHOGO-speaking children in Australia, as well as connect with parents and teachers who watch over children’s development.
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/view/anjcl/home
Please register your details in English ONLY.
**The registration period is from Sep 16, 2022 9am AEST till Oct 10, 2022 4pm AEDT. 登録期間は2022年9月16日9am AESTから2022年10月10日4pm AEDTとなっております。**
Seminar Zoom link will be sent to your registered email on October 14, 2022 (Friday) at 3pm AEDT (the day before the seminar date).
If you have not received this email by then, please contact us immediately.
セミナー前日の2022年10月14日(金)午後3時 AEDTにご登録いただきましたメールアドレスにZOOMリンクをお送りいたします。
October 15, 2022 (Saturday)
4pm-6pm AEDT
(Check time zone here)
*Online conference room opens at 3:30pm AEDT
This event will be held online via Zoom (web conference system).
Free: Registrations essential
September 16, 2022 (Friday) at 9am AEST
October 10, 2022 (Monday) at 4pm AEDT
(02) 8239 0055