Japanese Language Education Seminar with UNSW (Feb 25, 2023)
In pursuit of lifelong enrichment: Challenges in raising bilingual children
The seminar will be held FACE-TO-FACE at The Japan Foundation, Sydney, and will be conducted in Japanese.
The venue: Level 4, Central Park Mall, 28 Broadway, Chippendale, NSW, 2008 (via lifts only).
※本セミナーは国際交流基金シドニー日本文化センターにて対面、日本語で行われます 。
会場: Level 4, Central Park Mall, 28 Broadway, Chippendale, NSW, 2008 (エレベーターのみ).
For our fourteenth Japanese education seminar with UNSW, exploring the theme of raising Japanese-speaking children in Australia, we have invited Professor Mitsuyo Sakamoto, from Sophia University (Tokyo), as our guest lecturer.
【Message from the presenter】
Bilingualism is often deemed to be desirable and positive, and being bilingual has indeed afforded me invaluable opportunities. However, since childhood, having been exposed to Japanese expressions that cannot quite be expressed in English and vice versa, I have also felt limitations as to what language can afford us. In my presentation, I am hoping to not only introduce auspicious realities of bilinguals but also a more balanced, nuanced perspective that appreciates bilingualism from a wholistic and critical perspective. Language constructs our ways of seeing the world. Having been exposed to different languages all my life, I appreciate how each language comes with its own unique understanding of the world. Ultimately, I hope to achieve a multifaceted worldview.
【Heritage Language Information】
- JPF Sydney “Japanese as Community Language” (including past seminars VOD) HERE
- Website of “Australian Network for Japanese as Community Language” HERE
- Access the Facebook group “オーストラリアで日本語を使う子どもを育てる” HERE
- See JPF Sydney Library’s heritage-language educational book collection HERE
Prof. Mitsuyo Sakamoto
Department of English Studies, Faculty of Foreign Studies &
Graduate School of Languages and Linguistics, Sophia University
I immigrated to Canada in 1975, and completed my elementary, middle, high school, university and graduate school in Canada, and returned to Japan in 2006. I attended hoshuko for my Japanese, and learned English and French, two official languages of Canada, at the local school. As a 1.5 generation growing up in multicultural Toronto, I naturally became interested in bilingualism and multiculturalism, and eventually studied applied linguistics in graduate school. I have taught Japanese for 13 years in Canada, and currently I am teaching English in Tokyo. Recent relevant publications include Oya to ko wo tsunagu keishogo kyoiku [Heritage language education connecting generations] (2019; Co-edited with Dr. Kimi Kondo-Brown and Dr. Tomomi Nishikawa) from Kurosio Publishers, Tayosei wo saiko suru: Majoriti ni muketa tabunka kyoiku [Rethinking diversity: Multicultural education for the majority] (2021) from Sophia University Press, and “Nikkei” wo meguru kotoba to bunka: Ido suru hito no sozosei to tayosei [Language and culture of ‘Nikkei’: Creativity and diversity of people on the move] (2022; Co-edited with Dr. Makiko Matsuda and Dr. Seiichi Nakai) from Kurosio Publishers.
坂本 光代 (さかもと みつよ)教授
1975年に渡加、以後小・中・高・大学・大学院とカナダで過ごし、2006年に帰国しました。1.5世代として補習校で日本語を、英語そしてカナダのもう一つの公用語であるフランス語を現地校で学びました。トロントという多文化な街で育った私は、自然とバイリンガリズムや多文化共生に興味を持つようになり、大学院では応用言語学を専攻しました。カナダでは13年間ほど日本語教師として教え、現在東京で英語教師として教鞭を執っています。近著に近藤・坂本・西川編『親と子を繋ぐ継承語教育』(2019; くろしお出版)、坂本編『多様性を再考する』(2021, 上智大学出版)、松田・中井・坂本編『「日系」をめぐることばと文化』(2022,くろしお出版)等があります。
Please register your details in English ONLY.
**The registration deadline is Feb 21, 2023 9am AEDT. 登録〆切は2023年2月21日 9am AEDTとなっております。**
A reminder email will be sent to your registered email on February 24, 2023 (Friday) at 3pm AEDT (the day before the seminar).
セミナー実施前日の2023年2月24日(金)午後3時 AEDTにご登録いただきましたメールアドレスにリマインダーメールをお送りいたします。
February 25, 2023 (Saturday)
3pm-5pm AEDT
*The venue opens at 2:30pm AEDT
This event will be held at The Japan Foundation, Sydney (face-to-face).
Free: Registrations essential
January 27, 2023 (Friday) at 9am AEDT
February 21, 2023 (Tuesday) at 9am AEDT
(02) 8239 0055