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Japanese Language Education Seminar with UNSW (Feb 2022)

つながろう・つなげよう!「わたし語ポートフォリオ」 – オーストラリア版の活用を考える –

Watashi-Go Portfolio for Creating Connections
– How to make the most of the Australian Edition –

「わたし語ポートフォリオ」 – オーストラリア版の活用を考える –


This seminar will be conducted in Japanese.


For our eighth Japanese education seminar with UNSW exploring the theme of raising Japanese-speaking children in Australia, we have invited Ms Kaoru Matsuo (Duisburg Dendenmushi Japanese Language School, Germany) as our guest lecturer.


Message from the presenter

In this seminar, you will learn how to use the Australian Edition of the “Watashi-go Portfolio” that was released in Australia in July, 2021. In the 7th seminar, we learned the purpose behind the portfolio and how it is generally used. For the 8th seminar, we consider how you can practically incorporate it into your household. We hope to also discuss with you how the “Watashi-go Portfolio” can connect the classroom and your home.

We warmly welcome anyone with a curiosity or connection to Japanese as a Community Language!




Heritage Language Information

  • JPF Sydney “Japanese as Community Language” (including past seminars VOD) HERE
  • Access the Facebook group “オーストラリアで日本語を使う子どもを育てる” HERE
  • See JPF Sydney Library’s heritage-language educational book collection HERE



  • 国際交流基金シドニー日本文化センター「Japanese as Community Language」(過去実施済みセミナーVODを含む)はこちら
  • Facebook グループ「オーストラリアで日本語を使う子どもを育てる」はこちら
  • 国際交流基金シドニー日本文化センター図書館の継承語関連蔵書はこちら

Ms Kaoru Matsuo

 ”Motto Tsunagu (further connections)”, Germany


Kaoru Matsuo has worked in the field of Japanese language education at the university level since the 1990s. She has lived in Germany since 2000, where her son was born in 2003. She has led the Japanese programme at a junior-senior high school since 2006. Kaoru established a group for children from Japanese-speaking backgrounds in 2005, which became the not-for-profit Duisburg Dendenmushi Japanese Language School in 2021. Seeking education solutions outside the usual scope of Japan’s education ministry, Kaoru joined forces with like-minded individuals to form the Germany-based group Motto Tsunagu, which aims to connect theories on plurilingualism and multiculturalism with the practice of developing Japanese language skills in young people.

松尾 馨(まつお かおる)先生

ドイツ チーム「もっとつなぐ」


Please register your details in English ONLY.


This registration is now closed. こちらの登録受付は終了しました。

Seminar Zoom link will be sent to your registered email on February 11, 2022 (Friday) at 3pm AEDT (the day before the seminar date).
If you have not received this email by then, please contact us immediately.



February 12, 2022 (Saturday)
4pm-6pm AEDT
(Check time zone here)

*Online conference room opens at 3:30pm AEDT


This event will be held online via Zoom (web conference system).


Free: Registrations essential


January 17, 2022 (Monday) at 9am AEDT


February 7, 2022 (Monday) at 3pm AEDT


(02) 8239 0055

Co-presented  by

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