Fun New Year Activities
January 11, 2025
Thank you for your participation. The gaming part of this event finished, however, Ema writing still continues until January 31. Please come to the library to write your new year’s resolutions.
Happy New Year 2025! みなさま、あけましておめどうございます。
Hatsumōde refers to the first visit in the new year to a shrine or temple to wish for good health, wealth and other forms of happiness. Our wish would be for the library to continue to serve your cultural wellbeing in 2025. On the library’s first opening day this new year, special activities will be running throughout the day. These are free of charge. You and your family are invited to join us!
Omikuji (fortune slip) draw
First 50 visitors to draw
Omikuji are slips of paper with fortunes written on them and are found at shrines and temples. The possible fortunes range from excellent luck (大吉) to unlucky (凶). Test your 2025 luck by rolling a barrel to pick up a number / fortune slip.
This year, we will use authentic omikuji slips. Separate fortune messages are assigned to each category (love, work, study, money, travel and lucky item) in five languages (Japanese, English, Korean, simplified and traditional Chinese).
If you happen to draw an unlucky fortune, don’t be disheartened. All you need to do is to tie up your paper fortune slip to the bamboo tree in the library and leave your misfortune behind. ε=ε=┏( ゚Д゚)┛
Ema (lit. ‘picture horse’) writing
All day
Found in shrines and temples, ema are wooden plaques on which people can write their wishes or prayers. Hanging these up at the shrine is believed to allow the gods to read them. Come and try writing your New Year’s resolutions on an ema and hang it up on the bamboo tree in the library.
Competitive Karuta Workshop
2:00pm-4:00pm (RSVP required)
Instructions in Japanese.
Are you interested in playing Hyakunin Isshu (百人一首) in the style of the manga/film Chihayafuru? Hyakunin Isshu is often played with simplified rules when among family and friends. This workshop however, is focused on competitive karuta rules – for some, this will be a new playing style. Previous Hyakunin Isshu experience* benefits participants regarding speed of familiarisation with the rules (* knowledge of the playing deck and syllabic structures of waka poems, not necessarily with the competitive rules).
Hiroki Imura, our instructor, has experience in the competitive karuta league for 15 years and is currently appointed as an Overseas Associate by All Japan Karuta Association.
Due to the language on the deck and the nature of the game, with relatively close proximity and accidental hand contact, the following conditions need to be observed to participate in the workshop:
- understand intermediate Japanese and be able to read hiragana easily (if you learn Japanese as a foreign language).
- no jewellery and accessories (eg. rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc.)
- trimmed fingernails without stone nail arts.
Hyakunin Isshu (One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each)
Are you interested in playing Hyakunin Isshu (百人一首) just like seen in the manga/film Chihayafuru? We’ll set up two leagues on the day, for beginners and intermediate players.
Don’t worry if you have never played Hyakunin Isshu before, as there will be a 30-minute crash course before the games start.
10:00am-10:30am — Crash course on Hyakunin Isshu
You will need to be able to read hiragana and understand basic Japanese vocabulary to understand the crash course instructions.
10:30am-12:00pm — Games
Ozashiki Asobi (Japanese party games)
Let’s play Japanese party games for entertaining during the new year!
Konpira fune fune (金毘羅舟舟) is another hand game, but rhythmic sense is required, as you will play along the song of Konpira fune fune.
Tōsenkyō (投扇興) is similar to darts in the sense that you need to aim and throw an object at a target but it calls for a more graceful flair. An open fan must be tossed to hit a target called a butterfly. Scoring is affected by the positions of the dropped fan and butterfly.