Fold Origami Dinosaurs
Activities at the Library
June 1-28, 2019
Get crafty in June with dinosaur origami-folding! We’re joining Books Kinokuniya Sydney in their attempt to become the Guinness Record holder for the world’s largest display of origami dinosaurs. The chosen dinosaur is the Apatosaurus, designed by Michael G LaFosse for Tuttle Publishing (distributed by New South Books), and the target is to beat 2,098 origami dinosaurs!
Drop into our library, pick up origami paper and instructions, and start folding! Once you’re done, you can drop them off at our reception. All of the folded origami dinosaurs must be submitted to us by June 28, 12pm and will be sent off to Books Kinokuniya. Your contribution will be added to their in-store origami dinosaur display, which will be completed on July 2.
If you’d like to be credited for your contribution on Books Kinokuniya Sydney’s website, please let our reception staff know.
Prizes: Tuttle origami sets!
We’re also giving away 2 x Tuttle origami sets! When submitting your dinosaurs, please tell staff that you would like to enter the prize competition (you will need a eligible email address).
• Lucky-saurus: A lucky draw based on how many dinosaurs you fold.
• Fold-zilla: Prize for the top contributor who hands in the most dinosaurs.
Winners will be notified by email. The same person cannot win both prizes.

June 1-28
Mon-Fri: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 10am – 4pm
Closed Sundays and on public holidays (June 10)
Submissions must be received by June 28, 12pm.
The Japan Foundation, Sydney
Level 4, Central Park
28 Broadway
Chippendale NSW 2008
Free; all materials provided.
(02) 8239 0055