Kids Tadoku
Kids Tadoku こども多読
Charaben Workshops
Charaben Workshops
OH!Bento Film Screenings
OH!Bento Film Screenings
Artist Talk with Satoru Abe
Artist Talk with Satoru Abe
1900-1945: Hijiribashi @ the Nexus of Edo/Tokyo’s Constructed Urban Landscape
1900-1945 : Hijiribashi @ the Nexus of Edo/Tokyo’s Constructed Urban Landscape
Edo – Meiji period: Traditional cities and architecture in Japan
Edo - Meiji period: Traditional cities and architecture in Japan
1945-1979: Architectures of the Rapid Growth in Japan
1945-1979: Architectures of the Rapid Growth in Japan
Japanese Language Education Seminar with UNSW (Feb 25, 2023)
Japanese Language Education Seminar with UNSW (Feb 25, 2023) 豊かな人生を送るために:バイリンガル子育ての課題
1980-2023: From Bubble to Pandemic – Architectures of the Expanded Present
1980-2023: From Bubble to Pandemic – Architectures of the Expanded Present