Japan in Australia
Publications by Local Scholars
This webpage introduces monographs and edited books produced by, or featuring the work of...
Webliography Japan
Compiled by The Japan Foundation, Sydney Library, this webpage lists a variety of Japan-related...
Japanese in Australia: Japanese Footprints over a Century, 1867-1998 [Book]
Published by the Japan Club of Australia in 1998, this book explores the history of...
The Entwistle Collection (British Commonwealth Occupation Force, Japan, 1946-1947)
The Entwistle Collection is a digital archive of 340 photographs taken by...
Australian Network for Japanese Law (ANJeL)
The Australian Network for Japanese Law is an inter-university initiative to...
Directory of Japanese Arts and Culture in Australia (JAD)
The Directory of Japanese Art and Culture in Australia is an initiative of The Japan Foundation, Sydney which seeks to...
‘Cowra Voices’ Audio-Visual Storytelling App
The Cowra Voices app is the result of a project to share the history of Cowra, one of the...
Cowra Japanese War Cemetery Online Database
Cowra Japanese War Cemetery Online Database is a bilingual open-access resource that...
Asian Australian Studies Research Network (AASRN)
The Asian Australian Studies Research Network is comprised of experts from...
Japanese Studies Association of Australia (JSAA)
The Japanese Studies Association of Australia is the peak body for...